Clastres Raceway, Clastres France 11th May 2024: The 2024 European Dragster Championship roared to life with the commencement of the first qualification rounds. These crucial rounds, which set the stage for the entire competition, were held for Super Pro ET, Pro ET, Supercomp, Supergas, Street Run, and Junior Dragster. In addition to these categories, the ATD organization provided the Run What You Brought section for all who wanted to test or take a shot at the track. With over 120 vehicles from all corners of Europe, the stage was set for two days of exhilarating action, blessed with perfect weather conditions (25 degrees, clear skies, and abundant sunshine!). The current top qualifiers after six qualification rounds are Annalena Scherschinski (SPET), Janine Petzold (PET), Gerd Habermann (SC), Oscar Scappocin (SG), Nicolas Chevassus (SR), and Mia Thoma (Jr.D).

Text: Benjamin Wefer
Pictures: Benjamin Wefer

Annalena Scherschinski took the lead in Super Pro ET (SPET). She took the first position during the second qualification round with 8.289 seconds at 267 km/hrs (8.250 dail-in). She maintained the lead during three out of six rounds. She stormed in 8.285 seconds in the last round at 266 km/hr over the finish line. It was only 0.005 seconds from her Dail of 8.280 seconds. Lucas Pottholf is second with a 7.656-second run at 280 km/hr (7.650 Dail in). Remarkable is that the difference between numbers one and two is only 0.00009 seconds! Third place after six qualification rounds is Angel Romero from Spain. The reigning champion in SPET, Armandine Arnoud, is currently fifteen on the qualification list. 

Annalena Scherschinski

Lucas Pottholf

Angel Romer

After six qualification rounds, German racer Janine Petzold has shown remarkable progress in Pro ET (PET). Starting from the 20th position in the first round with a 10.587-second run at 208 km/hr on a 9.76-second dial-in, Petzold steadily climbed the ranks with each pass. During her last pass, she clocked a 10.600-second run at 206 km/hr with a 10.600 dial-in (only 0.00023 seconds from her dail-in). Steven Loisel is in second place and only 0.001 seconds behind the leader in his Volkswagen Beetle (10.74-second run at 200 km/hr with a 10.74-second dial-in). Brandon Taicom is now third with a second flat at 216 km/hr on the quarter-mile (10.00 dail in). Reining champion Peter Soursas is in 22nd place. 

Janine Petzold

Brandon Taicom

There is no surprise on the leader in Supercomp (SC, 8.90 index), as Gerd Habermann takes the number one spot. The Reining champion takes the lead during the fourth qualification round, running an 8.916-second run at 226 km/hr. Didler Billault is second with an 8.968-second run at 245 km/hr. Third place is for rookie driver Cheyenne Visser. After testing her dragster last weekend, Cheyenne took it slow during the first rounds. Still, she managed to clock an 8.9049 at 258 km/hr during the fourth qualification round. Visser was unable to improve her time. Hence, she clocked an 8.88-second round during her last run, but unfortunately, this was too quick for Supercomp. 

Gerd Habermann

Cheyenne Visser

Oscar Scappocin from Italy and Arnold Hol are number one and two in Supergas (SG). The decreasing number of entries in this category is noticeable (only two entries during this championship round), and Scappocin and Hol will have to battle each other for the win. 

Oscar Scappocin

Arnold Hol

Nicolas Chevassus is the provisional leader in Street Run (SR). Chevassus took the lead with 12.493 seconds at 178 km/hr and continued to improve his time to maintain his lead. He lost his position to Eric Armand in the 3rd round but took the lead back in the fifth round when he clocked a 12.460-second run at 178 km/hr on a 12.46 day in. It’s 0.0001 seconds from his dail-in! Armand also continued to improve his time during the day but was able to take the first place back and is now in second place. Still, he came too short to regain the first position and is currently second. Loie Manquest is third. 


Nicolas Chevassus

Eric Armand

Mia Thoma takes the lead in Junior Dragster with a 0.021-second reaction time. Emily Schaupp is second with a 0.028-second reaction time, and in this place is Yannis Weyland. 

Mia Thoma

Yannis Weyland


Stay tuned for the second day of the 23rd European Dragster weekend (the last Qualifications and elimination rounds!) We from The Chronicles of Boost want to wish all competing drivers good luck, but most of all, have fun!